ATI is proud to be the only source-approved MRO shop in the USA offering a complete in-house end-to-end J85 engine and accessory MRO service

The Facilities, the Right Team, and the Dedication to Exceed Your Engine Care Needs

Aero Turbine, Inc. offers a unique combination of turbine engine services, capabilities, and quality that has made us a trusted partner of military and commercial clients around the globe. Our state-of-the-art facilities are easily accessible and equipped for heavy engine maintenance. We support more than a score of engines, many of them vintage turbine models that few other FAA-approved Repair Stations are authorized to service. Moreover, no other engine service provider has the experience and knowledge of these engines equaled to our team of engineering and technical specialists.

Underpinning our capabilities is a dedication to continual improvement in all facets of our operations, from adding new engines to our approvals to developing new proprietary repairs and enhancing our customer service. Our commitment to quality is put to the test and reaffirmed daily as we meet and exceed the needs of our customers worldwide.

For our performance as the prime contractor for the last two awarded contracts in support of the J85 MISTR Program for the U.S. Air Force, ATI has consistently received ratings of Very Good and Exceptional in the Contractor Assessment Reporting System (CPARS).

Quality System

  • AS9110 C
  • ISO9001: 2015

Current Nadcap Accreditations for Special Processes

  • AC7102 Heat Treat
  • AC7108 Chemical Processing
  • AC7109 Coatings(Thermal Spray)
  • AC7110 Welding
  • AC7114 Non-Destructive Testing
  • AC7130 Measurement and Inspection


  • USAF Source Approved – J85-21 Engine; 900 hr. & 1800 hr. PE, intermediate repair, overhaul, and testing
  • USAF Source Approved – J85-5 Engine: inspection, intermediate repair, and testing
  • USAF J85 MISTR – SAR Qualified for Depot Level Maintenance of 76 Line Items
  • USN – SAR Qualified J85-21 Engine: inspection and intermediate repair
  • USN – Source of Repair for J85-4 Engine Components
  • J85 -21/-5/-13-17-4, CJ610 & CF700 GE Authorized 
  • T56 / J69 – AWARS Honeywell
  • FAA REPAIR STATION 145, CLASS 1 Accessory Rating
  • J69 Teledyne – Engine Component Manufacturing & Distribution Agreement

Our Commitment to Excellence, Continuous Improvement, and our LEAN Journey

We have teamed up with one of the foremost LEAN experts in the field to facilitate our transformation process; this is in support of our commitment to continually improve upon our focus on exceeding our customers’ expectations in the following areas:

  • Improve our cost competitiveness
  • Reduce our lead times and improve delivery
  • Reduce product variation and improve the quality of our products

Our journey started in mid-year 2019 and is accelerating every month.
We are already seeing significant improvements in each of the areas highlighted above.

Nadcap Maintenance and Inspection - AC7130
Nadcap Heat Treating - AC7102
Nadcap Welding - AC7110