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At Aero Turbine, Incorporated, you will be joining a team that joins hands over more than 40 years of knowledge, know how, and integrity. You are not just part of a team that is the premier expert on the J85 engine, but a team that is reaching across many engines and is also reaching decades into the future of engine technology. Whether you are repairing an engine used to train whole generations of air force pilots or designing the repairs on an engine that powers the latest fighter jets, you will be part of making it happen.
Join ATI and become part of a team that can move quickly to solve new problems. You get to become part of a team that ensures its customers that they have the most reliable parts when they are in the hands of ATI. In the words of some of our long time employees, integrity, dependability and consistency counts.
ATI is a company with a conscience.
Aero Turbine, Inc. is an equal opportunity employer and makes employment decisions on the basis of merit. We want to have the best available person in every job.
Aero Turbine, Inc. also prohibits discrimination, harassment, and disrespectful or unprofessional conduct based on the perception that anyone has any of those characteristics, or is associated with a person who has or is perceived as having any of those characteristics.
In addition, the company prohibits retaliation against individuals who raise complaints of discrimination or harassment or who participate in workplace investigations.
Aero Turbine, Inc. is committed to providing the following benefits for eligible employees. Benefit eligibility may be dependent upon your employee classification (full-time versus part-time, for example) and on length of continuous employment at Aero Turbines, Inc. Benefit eligibility requirements may also be imposed by the plans themselves. Upon becoming eligible for certain employee benefit plans, you will receive Summary plan Descriptions which describe the benefits in greater detail.
At ATI, we know that veterans are disciplined team players that can bolster our business.
Veterans have the proven ability to learn new skills and concepts. Veterans understand how genuine teamwork grows out of a responsibility to their teammates and a desire to accomplish the mission. Our veteran employees help us accomplish our mission daily.